Raquel Adorno

Raquel Adorno is a costume designer based in Chicago and Puerto Rico. She holds an MFA in Stage Design from Northwestern University and a Master of Music in Opera Performance from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Raquel received the Michael Merritt Academic Achievement Prize for Collaborative Design in 2019.

Select credits include: Wife of a Salesman (Writers Theatre); The Tragedy Of Othello, The Moor of Venice (Court Theatre); I, Banquo (Chicago Shakespeare Theatre); Intimate Apparel (Northlight Theatre); Plano (First Floor Theater); Top Girls (Remy Bumppo Theatre Company); Mies Julie (Victory Gardens Theater); Unelectable You (The Second City); D.O.A., The Long Christmas Ride Home, Desperate Dolls (Strawdog Theatre Company); Murder Ballad, Princess Mary Demands Your Attention, CARRIE: The Musical (Bailiwick Chicago); Angry Fags (Steppenwolf Garage) The Submission, Songs from an Unmade Bed (Pride Films and Plays); Barefoot in the Park, Crimes of the Heart, Dead Accounts (Step Up Productions); A Number, Scenes from an Execution (Runcible Theatre); The Flick, The Cherry Orchard, Jane Eyre, The Orange Garden, Vinegar Tom (Northwestern University); Intimate Apparel (Utah Shakespeare Festival); Taming of the Shrew, Cymbeline,  A Doll’s House, A Doll’s House Part 2 (American Players Theatre); Small Mouth Sounds (UCCS Theatreworks).

Film credits include: Limerence.